7th Sitting 11/12/2013

We had the room set up as usual for a full blackout sit and I put the voice recorder inside the cabinet.
As always we asked the spirit team to work with us in whatever way they felt was most beneficial for the circles development.
I suggested to Liz that she verbalise her experiences if it felt right to do so.

At 8.30pm I did the opening prayer, put out the light and the music on.
I felt a pressure on my forehead.

After about five minutes Liz began reporting her experiences…

She started with images of an Amazon jungle.
Then saw the characters from the Wizard of Oz...

‘In the final debacle the wizard is a person, but it’s not a question of being cheated because the journey to the realization, a full humanity, is a parable… The scarecrow, lion and tin man become real and Dorothy finds her way home… So although it seems as if the wizard was a sham, the wizard was merely a device, a learning devise, to encourage them to explore… That’s okay. The wind is the important thing. Wind is the spirit that carries and starts Dorothy off on this journey’

It was looking lighter in the room now to me. Particularly the floor.

Liz continued…

‘Ming Hai, a Chinese element, green jade, the healing face of China. Kingdom of jade, great wisdom in Chinese medicine’

Then she got a fox and said Basil Brush!!!

I suddenly started feeling a lot of phenomena around me.
I felt something moving around in my hair.
The front of my left leg went fuzzy.
I felt there was somebody to my left, very close to me.
There were more touches in my hair.
I felt a vibration under my right foot.
The atmosphere around me felt charged and alive.
My nose was itchy and I had cobweb type tickles over my face.
I had a pressure on my left shoulder like someone leaning against it pushing me backwards.
I was aware of a white light shining down on me from my right.
I now felt fuzzy all over like static electricity.

Liz was seeing the flames in a fire. She felt it was nothing harmful, a good fire.

I was seeing white wispy movement and pin-pricks between me and the cabinet.
Then I saw the head of a brown bird, like an eagle.
It seemed to be to my left near the cabinet and I was now aware of its outstretched feathery wings.
I didn’t mention the eagle at the time so as not to influence Liz.

I was feeling cold all over, particularly around my legs.
I saw the white light shining down to my right again.

Liz got the name George, and then…

‘A feeling of Lewis Caroll, Alice, changing of the guard, Buckingham Palace… Theatre people, ballet, firebird, rich creative tapestry… A contrast between this fairy tale golden carriage and a very plain laid out garden, formal beds and grass, just want it to be a plain garden, just wanted to be a plain gardener… Forget the horse and carriage, prefer the garden…’ 

It was looking orangey in the room to me, a bit like looking through a ring of orange.
I felt a few touches in my hair again.

A few, what sounded like lip-smacking noises were picked up by the voice recorder. I didn’t hear them at the time.
Then Liz began verbalising again…

‘Keep coming back to the firebird and the question what’s real in all this and the answer comes back to me, underlying thread… All the glittering appearances and the phenomena, all the great created surge, all burnt in the fire. Experience and those ashes, that’s the common thread, the ashes and the earth. But not to get too attached to all phenomena, the golden carriages, the incredible creativity, the ballets with performances, the charades, wonderful and magnificent but ultimately the common thread is the earth, the ash. Come back to basics, what’s real in all this, a wonderful play but not to get too caught up in it or get lost. Keep the thread, the common thread, the ash and delight in the flames, all pictures and shapes… You could keep wanting to come back for more, more shapes, more images, adventure…’  

Me… ‘What can you see at the moment?’

‘Flames surrounding a big black hole, like a bonfire with its dark centre. Lots of happy people around it. All drawn by the warmth and the fire and under its centre is the ashes’

Me… ‘The foundations?’

‘The foundations, it’s burning again, and again, and again…’

Me… ‘Can you sense the happiness of the people around the fire?’


Me… ‘What do you think they are thinking?’

‘Their ethereality… it’s okay… learning to transmute. They’re learning to allow themselves to face and go into the dark because they know it’s okay, they can come again if they want, rekindle again’

Me… ‘Where do the people come from?’

‘They’re always there. They’ve never gone anywhere. It’s the everlasting dance’

Me… ‘Is it night time or day light?’

‘It’s night’

Me… ‘What can you see in the sky?’

‘Stars… millions and millions of stars’

Me… ‘Is there a moon?’

‘No moon’

Me… ‘Can you imagine the sun starting to come up at the end of the night? Can you imagine the colour of the landscape as the sun slowly comes up illuminating the scene before you?’

‘Yes, magic mountains, multi-coloured vista, crystalline, beautiful colours’

Me… ‘Are there any animals coming out?’

‘There’s everything… reptiles, lizards, chameleons, snakes, magical creatures… They can change into people and they can dance. They are known as dragons. The Indians knew about these people, the shape shifters. There’s kindness in these creatures… They have strong connections with the sun’

Me… ‘What do you see now?’

‘I can see diamonds at the moment, carbon diamonds; I can see lines, large structures’

Me… ‘How does that make you feel, these diamonds?’

‘Excited, concerned, it’s too much, too complex overbearing structures. It’s fragmenting. There was just a few, now there’s many. I just see it like the tower of Babel… Now I’ve got the image of corn sheaves. A scarab, Egyptian symbol. Along with harvest comes famine, inequality’

Liz was quiet for a while during our American Indian tunes then started speaking again…

‘I’m feeling quite giddy. It’s like a tree spreading out… Now everything’s speeding up like a maelstrom… Felt like a flood, a great wave. Now it’s rocky for a bit, I can see a clear space ahead like clear sailing… islands… everything’s settled now. There are people. Looks like they are gold and shining, like technicians in shiny suits’

Me… ‘Are there many of them?’

‘No, not that many but they seem large, larger than life’

Me… ‘Do you feel drawn towards one particular person?’

‘Some are silver, some golden but I feel they are all connected as one. Part of one purpose. They are salvaging’

Me… ‘Maybe one is the mouth piece. See if you can communicate with one of these technicians, ask a question’

‘What are you doing here? What has happened? …There’s been a lot of damage and they’re clearing up. They’re helping, settling’

Me… ‘Are they working with us in this group?’

‘I think we are part of them. I have the feeling it’s in the future but it’s now too. It’s just perception, as if they tell me all time is upon time. It is like there’s a sort of grid. They are connected to a grid but we are part of that grid. It just feels as though there’s been a flood, like a lot of turmoil but it’s settled down. There’s been a lot of damage. I can feel the trees are still there. The trees are transforming trees. I feel as if I want to get to that place, that time’

Me… ‘Can they see you?’

‘Yes… I think I’m with them… Is it Lemuria coming in? That was in the past but perhaps it’s a re-enactment, perhaps similar or perhaps I misunderstood. Perhaps they are Lemurians coming back? I don’t know the truth of that. They do seem like they are clothed in a sort of foil wrap… I’m floating, I get a feeling there’s a… I call it Leviathan, it’s like a big submarine, it’s like a futuristic ark but it’s like an animal, a great creature, a living system. It can be under the water and that’s how they managed to be with us’

Me… ‘Are the technicians on this ark?’

‘They can go there but they seem to be able to float around’

Me… ‘Maybe the ark is a meeting place between two worlds?’

‘It could be’

The last tune was now playing so I asked our friends to start drawing back. Liz had one more thing to say…

‘I get a very kindly face, green, like the old Chinese dragon. Reptilian but warm blooded’

As the last tune came to an end I checked that Liz was feeling okay.
She had a strong pulling from her solar plexus which she’d had throughout the sitting.
At times she’d also experienced a vibrating, spinning sensation in her throat.
It was easing off now and she felt fine after I’d done the closing prayer, healing and closing down exercise.
Liz had remained aware throughout just a bit overshadowed.

It was interesting to me that she used the word technician as this had been used several times in the early days of the Mercury Circle to describe the people working behind the scenes.

It had been a very enjoyable sitting for both of us. 
We'd sat with no expectations and received some unexpected thought provoking information through Liz...