5th Sitting 16/08/2013

Liz was back in the cabinet on Friday 16/08/2013 for her monthly sit.
She sat with the cabinet closed in full blackout throughout.
Last Monday Liz had received some advice… to imagine herself as an octopus when she sat and allow herself to reach out into the room with all her tentacles and expand herself. This would help her relax.

I opened at 8.30pm, put the music on and turned out the red light.

Five minutes after starting I felt a touch and a fuzzy feeling on my right foot.
Then felt a fuzzy feeling on my right hip.
The atmosphere was beginning to look grey and misty.

I felt a tightness round both of my ankles. (Maybe this was Liz’s tentacles, ha, ha)
I saw a few flashes near the ceiling and there was now a reddish colour to the room.
Then the room became very light and an orange/white colour.

After a few minutes the room went dark again with a few pin-pricks darting about.
Then it became lighter to my right.

It got very cold in front of my legs.
I had a strong sensation that someone was standing there.
I heard a kind of lip-smacking noise in front of me.
I welcomed whoever it was.
Then it felt like the whole room became alive with people.
I got the impression they were dancing round the room.

I then ‘saw’ a smiling face with rosy cheeks in front of me.

The room started to get lighter again.
I heard a humming coming from the cabinet but kept the music up to keep the energy high.
I felt something in my hair.
I got an image of a rabbit.

I heard speaking in the cabinet and turned down the music.
Liz was getting words in her mind and verbalized what she got…

‘Well, well, well… Well Neddie… Nay, nay, nay… We’re going for gold… It won’t be long… We’re waiting…’

I turned the music back up.

The room went dark again.
The energy felt thick and dense.

I ‘saw’ an American Indian face with yellow painted lines.

There were a lot of flashes and white wispy bits in the room.

Liz said a few more words…

‘The animals are with us… Listen to the heart beat of the earth’

She later told me she became aware of her own heart beat when she said it.

I saw a big blob in front of me.

Liz began whistling in the cabinet.
I suggested she give me a tune but the whistling stopped.

I felt a touch on my knee.

It was getting very light like a white mist in the room.
The penultimate tune played and I reminded the team it was time to start drawing back.
Then as the last tune played the room became dark again.

Liz said some more words…

Crocus… Saffron… Mustard… Custard…’

Liz still felt a bit spaced out at the end and I could see pin-pricks around the cabinet.

I did the closing prayer, then put the red light on and did a closing down exercise for both of us.
Liz was now fully back and feeling fine.

She had felt a lot of energy being drawn from her during the sitting.
She felt her throat manipulated and pressure on her head.

Towards the end she had heard ‘Frances wants to say hello’ which made a lot of sense to me but I’ll say no more in case Liz gets anything else to add.

Liz had felt Freddie around most of the evening. She said he was being playful and she felt at first he was trying to get a message to Travis but she couldn’t work out what it was. At the end she got words associated with the colour yellow, a colour we both connect with Freddie and the Mercury Light Circle.
Liz also felt Joan about and kept hearing ‘Jo-Jo’

As we were talking about this we heard a clicking noise coming from the glass dome as if to confirm what Liz felt.