Wednesday 03/07/2013 saw Liz back in the cabinet for her monthly sit.
She didn’t sit last month as she was on holiday.
This time she sat with the cabinet closed and we had full blackout throughout.
Liz was feeling a bit light headed before going down to the garage and I noticed her speech was a bit slurry.
I opened at 8.30pm, put the music on and the red light out.
After five minutes I could see bright blue blobs changing size and floating around the room which lasted about five minutes before disappearing.
Then it became uniformly misty throughout the room.
I felt tickles on the left side of my face.
Then I felt pressure on my forehead which made me feel light headed.
The atmosphere looked very charged and I saw a kind off distortion in the room. It was like a diagonal line separating two halves of the room and the top half shifted slightly.
I felt there was someone between me and the cabinet and saw a lot of light build up in that area.
I saw white wispy bits in front of me.
Then I noticed light to my left.
I had a feathery touch on my left leg.
I felt cold all over and a tingly sensation on the back of my neck.
It felt like the room was filling up with people and I felt like I was sitting in a cold fog.
The air around me felt physically cold. I could feel it on my face when I turned my head from side to side.
The atmosphere changed visually now looking dark everywhere but filled with white wispy bits darting and swirling around.
I noticed a bright pin-prick light near the floor to my right. I saw this several times during the sitting and was similar to what I experience sometimes when in the cabinet.
My right leg went fuzzy.
I had a pressure on the back of my neck like a finger pressing it.
Then I felt a similar pressure on the left side of my head.
I noticed a flash to my right.
Then a bright blob appeared to my right which moved in front of me.
It looked like it was made up of strands, like a cob-web or cotton wool.
The centre was very bright and I found myself drawn towards it.
I heard a crackling sound to my right. It sounded like it was in the room and not the neighbours.
The blob had gone and it was now uniformly misty throughout the room.
My left leg went fuzzy and it felt like something was being wrapped around it between my knee and foot.
There was a pink mist near the healing book.
It got very blobby in the room and I became very cold again.
I felt a feathery touch on my right foot.
Then something black seemed to be covering my left eye.
The whole room became a yellowish colour.
I picked up a strong sweet smell, a bit like freshly cut wood.
The penultimate tune played and I reminded the team it was time to start drawing back.
The room became dark all over.
I made sure Liz was okay and totally awake before giving the closing prayer and putting on the red light.
Liz had remained aware and present throughout the sitting but had nearly drifted off at the beginning when the energy felt very strong to her. She felt a lot of energy in her arms, hands and head. Her hands and arms became numb. She felt pressure on the back of her neck and head.
She had various names come to her… Iris, Ray, Harry and Malcolm.
She saw a young man with blond hair and course features. She got the feeling he didn’t know what to do. He looked flummoxed.
She was very cold around her abdomen and at times felt nauseous.
She felt the team were taking and using energy from her. She remained very open allowing them to do what they wanted…