This Thursday we had another experimental sit with Liz in the cabinet and me as sitter.
We set the room up as normal apart from the cabinet curtains which we left open.
At 8.30pm I did the opening prayer, turned out the red light and put the music CD on which is made up of music chosen by Liz.
I very quickly felt and saw the energy build up in the room. It felt think, dense and looked mottled at first then I got a bright bluish blob in front of me before the room became misty and light.
I felt something on my right ear and a pressure on my forehead which stayed with me for most of the sitting.
I noticed a few dim torch lights moving around the room, mainly near the healing book.
Liz began verbalising what she experienced in the cabinet…
‘Peter… great things, very expectant, new beginnings… Wonderful to be meeting with all these beings again, great love, like walking through a wonderful field of flowers, beautiful flowers everywhere’
‘The feeling of snow, eskimos, igloos, sledges… Great happiness, great wide open spaces… Great snow shoes like tennis rackets, smiling faces beaming, very happy like a family meeting again, all the stories, stories of spirits’
Me… ‘Do you know the people?’
‘Yes, they are family members, wolves among them, grey wolf, wonderful to be acknowledged again, there’s no separation, great rejoicing… You couldn’t have a greater cathedral than this’
'Feed my lambs’
Liz got the name ‘Monroe’
We wondered if that might be Bob Monroe and as we said that I saw a flash above me.
Liz continued…
‘I’m being pulled to the temple in Jerusalem. The meeting of spirits, sharing of stories and feeding of the lambs’
I had a fuzzy, pulsating feeling on my left knee which lasted a few minutes.
I had tickles and cobwebs on my face and the room was looking light again.
Liz got ‘Grace’ and then ‘Tailor’
I felt something in my nose and something running down the sides of my face.
I saw a light flash on and off between me and the cabinet.
Liz continued…
‘Finkelstein… a connection with tailors… pricked fingers, pricked by needles, need for protection… union’
My left thumb felt fuzzy and I got the name ‘Vladimir’
Then Liz got the name ‘Sergey’ (There seemed to be a Russian connection going on?)
I saw a light to my right and felt something on my right ear again.
Liz continued…
‘Shoe makers, trade guilds… Sadie, Rose, all is well… A connection with unions, the struggles and the wonderful camaraderie, working people… She just wants to say this is part of a learning devise, don’t have to take it too seriously, quality of life, it goes on… Terrence… He’s a happy boy, bouncing a ball up and down like tennis’
After a few minutes Liz continued…
‘In the Swiss mountains, Alpine pastures with all the flowers. I keep meeting people I know but up high I think it’s the feeling of taking this to a higher level. All working towards this rarefied atmosphere, this pure air, an inspirational level’
Me… ‘Do the mountains and flowers look different to you?’
‘The mountains, they’re brilliant. Brilliant blue sky and the colours are radiant. The lambs become little goats but it’s a place where the spirits are air, the spirits are abundant but ever fine, the chiming of bells, this is a chorus. It is the temple of the sky’
Me… ‘What is the colour of the sky?’
‘The sky is a brilliant deepest blue going to purple but I think the call is to bring all these spirits that have been working through illness, through all the conflicts of the worldly historical… bring them up to the top of the mountain, to the temple’
Me… ‘Are you at the top of the mountain now?’
‘Yes, but it’s not the temple of sacrificing the lambs, it’s where the lambs will be fed. This is the place for the feeding of the lambs. The grass is rich and green and there are rainbows in the sky’
Me… ‘Are you able to rise above the mountain and climb even higher?’
‘The hand’s pulling us up’
Me… ‘Look up and see if anyone’s reaching down to you’
‘Yes, it’s endless, yes the warmth… It’s a golden glow’
Me… ‘Ask them to allow you to see where they reside in the highest of vibrations’
‘It’s a great emptying of self, a purification. It’s like going into a wonderful pool of crystal water… Union… That’s the difference between the union, of the trade union, that was a shadow, wrought with conflict and struggle but the ideal is the union united. This is the union of spirit’
Me… ‘Have they a message for us to help us make our earth plane more like theirs?’
‘Rise up, rise up on the internal, into the inner temple not the outer. Those are shadows, it’s a shadow world. Those are the battle grounds, the testing of the spirit but then on the inner plane there has to be the purification… so let go of the conflict’
Me… ‘How do we find the inner…’
‘…I’m calling to Finkelstein and Rosie and Granddad. All of the union, all of them, that the union, the new union, union of spirit. Beyond… It’s like a great hand, finger pointing to the, above the sky, penetrating the sky this great emptiness of self and the crystal clarity of the sea which is to see and to be seen. It’s all seeing in the sea, vision, light, it’s the union of spirit, the union, the only trade is love… Feed my sheep. This means the revealing, the spiritual truth, feeding to the pastures’
The energy in the room was very thick and dense again. I saw a few black shadows moving around. I felt very fuzzy down my right side.
Liz continued…
‘I’ve got Mary here, she’s got the children with her, she’s wearing blue… Mary put the children on a yacht, a boat, keeping them safe, they’re all having healing there but then it’s like building a great bonfire and it’s the purging of all the spirits, all the infection, this great conflagration, there’s a lot of liberation. It’s like providing the light for these, illumination, purging them… ‘
‘A large woman called Thelma, she’s stirring this pot and she’s making music, she’s helping to change things, to stir it up, this conflagration. It’s part of the beginning of the purification… Thelma, I think I know her, if I don’t she reminds me of someone, she’s a singer… What a voice’
Me… ‘Is she singing now?’
‘She’s never stopped… She wants to broadcast the truth… it’s all good’
As the music ended Liz got… ‘Stevenage’ and ‘food takeaway’
She felt it was a message from someone she knows called Phil…
I checked Liz was okay before doing the closing prayer, sending out healing and our closing down exercise…