Friday 05/04/2013 saw Liz in the cabinet again.
I sat with her but unlike last time we kept the room in full blackout throughout.
Liz asked that the cabinet curtains be left open.
We’re still not sure how Liz’s team wish to work with her.
Last time she was seeing a lot of scenes in her mind as she sat. I suggested that she try and describe some of them as they happen if possible as this could trigger off some spirit controlled trance talking.
I opened in prayer at 8.30pm.
I kept the music low for the first few tracks then experimented with higher and lower volumes throughout the evening.
There was a definite increase in phenomena when the music was louder.
I was soon getting a few cobwebs around the face and it appeared to be getting lighter from behind me.
I saw a lot of movement in the room and at one point I felt sure I’d seen a person in front of me waving.
Then I sensed someone, female I think, standing to my right.
I saw white misty waves in front of my eyes.
I had a cool breeze around my legs and a light touch on my right foot.
There were faint white wispy bits darting around the room.
I now felt cold all over like there was something very cold in front of me.
There was a big yellowish blob growing in front of my eyes.
Meanwhile in the cabinet it was mainly quiet but Liz would occasionally report things she was seeing.
There didn’t seem to be any attempts at trance speaking from her team but afterwards she told me her posture was being changed and she felt her face being manipulated at times.
She felt they were trying to take her out of it but she was putting up resistance. She found it hard to quieten her mind.
She got some names… Stanley, Terrance, Sheila and a young boy James who took her to a pine woods and showed her Christmas trees.
She saw her dad standing next to her.
She also got the feeling of the Battle of Trafalgar and Nelson etc… she felt she had a soldier with a wooden leg with her. She saw a ship with sailors and got the feeling of comradery and friendship.
She got a strong sense of Starlings and being one of them in a flying formation.
She also saw the starlings as people… bird like, star people.
She kept getting the word ‘Namaste’. Liz felt it was an Indian word and after googleing it I found… (an ancient Sanskrit greeting still in everyday use in India and especially on the trail in the Nepal Himalaya. Translated roughly, it means "I bow to the God within you", or "The Spirit within me salutes the Spirit in you" - a knowing that we are all made from the same One Divine Consciousness.)
When the last tune finished I checked that Liz was back and okay.
She was very warm and felt lots of love and comfort around her.
I was freezing cold.
Liz had felt her stomach being pulled and manipulated throughout the sitting.