It was time to put Liz in the cabinet again.
This time I asked her to just relax in the energies of her team and let what happens happen.
Liz felt happier with the cabinet curtains left open again and we sat in full blackout throughout.
I sat to Liz’s right.
I opened in prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on. It was the same 75minute CD that we use on Mondays.
After five minutes I was seeing waves of energy moving from left to right across my vision.
Ten minutes later I felt cobwebs on my face, cold around my feet and the room was looking lighter.
I turned the music up a bit and sung along.
After another ten minutes I was very cold on my right side.
The energy in the room was feeling stronger.
I felt a light touch on my right foot.
Then I felt a touch on my left leg just below the knee and on the side of my nose.
The room looked grey and speckly.
I had the feeling there was someone between me and the healing book and heard a few clicks in that area.
I felt a light touch in my hair.
The room looked darker.
Then I sensed someone standing in front of me and heard some more clicks.
The energy was very strong and I had to stop myself drifting off.
As the last two tunes came on I asked the team to start stepping back.
After the last tune I checked Liz was okay.
She seemed a little disorientated at first but soon felt fine.
I did the closing prayer.
Liz had remained conscious throughout the sitting but in an altered state.
She felt there was an attempt at communication towards the end and had felt herself quietly verbalizing…
‘Na, na, na…’
She had the feeling the word was ‘Namaste’ a word she got last time she sat.
Liz then relayed to me her memories of the sitting…
She’d experienced a lot of reptiles particularly snakes, scorpius and crocodile type creatures but they felt okay and peaceful. The snake symbolized powerful healing for her. She sensed their scaly skin on her and the snakes face over her face and at one point felt she had a bird’s beak. She wasn’t seeing these creatures but was aware of them.
She also felt she had tendrils growing like an oak tree spreading out, and then she became lichen, green like gelatinous fungus. It felt alive and belonging. Slightly alien but with love and kinship. She sensed an old, ancient energy. Nothing to be afraid of, all good.
She said it felt like being aware of all different life forms interconnected, interpenetrating and spreading out. A living consciousness weaving through numerous forms. Quite a wonderful feeling, multitudinous.
Liz had felt a lot of sensations in her abdomen and strong energy around her.
She felt her consciousness was expanded and extended. At one point she felt like she was split open and she felt herself spinning round and round and about to be sucked into something.
She got the name Peter, a hooded monk who she has seen during our Monday sittings and she also got Terrence, a young boy.
She got the name ‘Bear’ during the American Indian tunes which could be a connection to ‘Tob’ from the Mercury Circle.
Liz said she’d had the feeling she wanted the curtains closed during the sitting so next month we’ll have ‘em closed…