20th Sitting 24/03/2015

We had the room set-up as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

About five minutes later I was sensing energy building up to my right then moving like waves towards the cabinet to my left.

Then after another three minutes I saw what looked like a giant zip going across the room being zipped up from right to left.

After a few more minutes Liz began to speak…

‘I’ve got the Balkan Sobranie tobacco and I’ve got the Terrence Higgins Trust and a postcard, a sort of stamp, stamp of approval… I think there’s some work on protection going on, get rid of all the mental gremlins, working hard to clear and protect this space…’

‘I had the moon in Aries, I don’t know whether it is or not?’

‘I got the name Clive’

‘I get the feeling like Jonah in the belly of a whale, there’s this group of people looking down at us, like bonneted ladies, Salvation Army. It’s the whole world in their hands, to save or to be midwives to the birth of bringing Jonah forth out of the whale. Giving birth to the world, they’re midwives, midwives of the future, Mary, Miriam, Martha, the bonneted ladies…’

‘Keep getting nursery, there’s this nursery, we’re being schooled, infants… most of us haven’t yet been born’


‘Getting the word Tellurian, an epoch Tellurian… distance, this epoch… don’t know if that’s where the switch was made, change, change of clothes,  Tellurian… I got this feeling of this slate grey shiny like graphite, like metal, silvery grey dark, something to do with communication… concerned… concertinaed… I got a picture like an accordion, layers finely folded… Now I’ve got an image of a seal, sea lion, sea creature, very sleek, completely at home, completely adapted, happy… I’ve got this strange hybrid creature like a mixture of all creatures, parrot head, claws, a bizarre concoction, try to do everything, this is a travesty, a lot of miss-fits. I get wipe the slate clean, back to the drawing board, this thread of steel, the thread running through it, it’s pulling us forward…‘

‘I have the feeling of an embryonic form, like a chrysalis in a cocoon, all these permutations going on like a great alchemic melting pot for centuries, eons, the transformation, this is where the ignorance, it doesn’t know what it’s going to be, it can’t… it’s multi-potential, there are many interested parties, parents you might call them, which way is it going to go, from within there are brief flashes of inspiration, there’s knowing, there’s consciousness there, illumination. There is a self, initial intention, there is a beginning of a self-creating entity, cells, units, and they’re focusing. That energy is forming a nucleus of knowledge and it’s determining a form, a shape of things to come… and the parents are watching, waiting, how will it evolve? How will it emerge? They can wish, they can encourage with their thoughts and the illuminated cells are receptive, they intuit, they feel the urge, the pull to draw them to a particular form, a particular way of being. There are many embryonic forces…’

‘Think of the story of Sleeping Beauty and the fairies that were called at her birth and the fairy that was not noted and his intention was slighted so there was some disharmony but the ill effects were mitigated, the result was a delay, was a stasis, time asleep, delay in the awakening, it’s the prince of peace who gave the kiss, this is the Christos. The prince he woke the sleeping beauty and it was the marriage of heaven and earth… Time, time is now… he is there… daughters of earth and the sons… the sons of space…’

‘Agnes… Sheila… Tellurian…’

‘This chrysalis spinning on its stalk, spinning faster and faster, its vibrational rate increasing as the metamorphosis are completing, spinning increases and the creature is wriggling, restless, perturbed, writhing. A lot of disturbance as it breaks open, there’s a break through, splits asunder, this new form emerges’

‘I have the head of a lion, the talent of an eagle, the wings of a dove and the heart of a saviour… a new man… sweep the yard clean to prepare a place, to prepare for the birth, the emergence of the new man depends on the preparation, the clearing of the ground, of the old ways, the purging, take a new broom and sweep clean… prepare the way’

The music finished.

Liz got the name Diane and still felt she was in a clearing with white beings around her… she thanked them.

When Liz was feeling back with it I did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…