19th Sitting 24/02/2015

We had the room set-up as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

About five minutes later I sensed energy to my right building up then moving towards the cabinet on my left in waves.
I felt the room was filling up with people and got a few images of faces flash on and off.

At the same time Liz began to speak…

‘I had a Mavis… Mavis or Mable… I think it was Mavis; I’m not sure what she wants to say… Something to do with spiders, it’s like a Spiderman costume’

I was now seeing thin strands of light zig-zagging around the room and a few pin-pricks of light.

Liz continued…

‘I sense someone wanting to sing Ten Green Bottles. Just letting you know he’s there, he wants to be master of ceremonies. He’ll have to use the direct voice approach… He’s trying, he’ll get there one day, he’s a cheeky chappie’

I said he was very welcome… We both guessed it was ‘Little One’ who used to communicate with us.

Liz continued…

‘Mavis that came through is a Mavis that I knew, a black lady, lovely lady; she mentioned ice cream and cappuccino. We’re all red under the skin, she was laughing, she was very sensitive… Not to worry about her son, he’s a clever boy…’

‘Many are called but few are chosen, I just got a sense of Winston… Heavy dude stuff, Comanche… don’t know if it’s an Indian tribe or football team? The Comanches, courageous… Something about peccadillos, who hasn’t got peccadillos… all good people… I get this river, brown river Thames going past the houses of parliament. Someone’s saying if they open their eyes and listen, funny thing to say… I’m hearing shaking things up a bit, seems to be to do with the Comanches, shaking things up, making a bit of a stir, don’t want to poke your ore in… There’s a reference to the Sermon on the Mount, I think it’s blessed are the peace makers… Can’t get much better than that’

‘Keep getting the sense of the Terrence Higgins Trust, then I get the image of a big flowering tree, to keep it flowering. I don’t know why but it’s a dominant message. Wants to come forward, just wants to keep pushing the name, to keep it alive, keep it blossoming… Just get the feeling of sunshine, sunny days, keep it alive and blossoming, enjoy… When you light a flame you have to keep it alight, it can be easily snuffed out, we have to monitor it, tend it, protect it, like an Olympic flame we see how that travels all over the world, carefully tendered, passed lovingly from hand to hand… It’s a big symbol that… So you can light a flame and kindle an awareness but you have to feed it and keep it alive and growing so it will eventually be apparent, be a great blaze, will never die, the light will continue, gets to a threshold of brightness and then it can never be extinguished but until that point it’s vulnerable. So for those that hear it’s important to fan it, to blow…’

‘Woshika, Woshika a little dancing boy, Woshika… this Woshika is looking at me with large eyes and is full of gratitude, he says even a short life can be blessed, is a source of joy and wonder. Everything that lives is holy. I feel there’s an old man too… ha, ha, looks a bit like Ghandi’

Liz was getting very hot in the cabinet.

‘Somebody’s shouting William Waldegrave… I think somebody is quite angry… the fact that they’re not listening… I got the image of the leopard not changing it’s spots…’

‘It’s almost like there’s another voice there that’s reminding that blessed are the peace makers and sensitives. It’s almost like there’s two different voices, two different aspects…’

‘I got the name Smith… I got Christmas and then Smith… I got the image of a bottle…’

‘A strong sense of snow, pristine snow and snow leopard, something moving gracefully through the snow, just get a feeling of great love for this place, this snowy place, wilderness… it was home’

‘I’ve got this image of a coat rack, coat stand and a hat being hung on a peg. Little bit like a trilby or bowler hat. Somebody’s hanging their hat… but I get the sense of someone who’s quite frustrated, battling. I’ve got the name Christina, I thought of the hat and it reminds me of a book… The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat…’

The music ended.

I checked that Liz was okay then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Liz had had a strong sense of a man with a cigar during the session and had felt overshadowed by him at times.