15th Sitting 23/10/2014

We sat in full black-out with the cabinet open and I sat nearer to Liz to better hear what she said.

We decided that Liz would start off with a visualization and verbalise what she experienced and I would ask questions where appropriate then see where it leads…

At 8.30pm I did the opening prayer, turned out the red light and put the music on with the volume turned down low.

Three minutes later Liz began speaking…

‘Speeding along in this boat, on this river, there were flags, it was like a pleasure cruise, feels like Captain Hook, again like a sort of piratical figure that I’ve seen before there. We’re racing, it’s like racing under this bridge and it’s heading towards, and it’s like Tibet, the mountains with the prayer flags. Speeding towards there and there’s black haired people… The snow peaks and the prayer flags, the passes… We appear to be going to a remote area and the snow, there’s a cave, icicles. There’s a very old man, white hair, a bit of a beard and a sort of squarish hat on. He’s smiling, very friendly; he’s cooking something, scraping the snow’

Me… ‘Can you move towards this man?’

‘Yeh, my companion is there with me still, he’s very tall in comparison with this man. This man hasn’t really said anything… Just got an image of one eye, it’s just like an eye in the middle of the forehead… I got the butter lamps, so it’s like a sort of temple… It’s quite big inside, lots of yellow light and children’

Me… ‘What are the children doing?’

‘They’re monks, novices; it’s like a spiritual school’

Me… ‘Can you see any of the teachers?’

‘The old man’s with me there, I’m not in the cave any more… Education, education, education…’

Me… ‘Can you get an impression of what it is they’re teaching?’

‘Discipline, spiritual discipline, but they’re fun, they’re laughing too. I get the feeling they go tobogganing, they get their kites, they have fun... I feel that the red and gold of their robes… He’s just telling me that the teaching of children from a young age in spiritual principles is very important but these children have a sense of lightness about them, a sort of joyfulness’

Me… ‘Are you able to ask where it is you are at the moment?’

‘The immediate thing I got was something like Waynok, Weknok, I don’t know what that is’

Me… ‘Is it somewhere on this physical earth, or is it somewhere apart from that?’

‘My feeling is it’s in the past… I think I was taken back… I’m back in the cave’

Me… ‘You’re in the cave now are you?’


Me… ‘What can you see in the cave?’

‘A lot of snow… outside… In the cave there is a chest and there’s a lot of scrolls in there. I think there are other passages in the cave. At the back it’s blackened, they had fires but they keep trying to keep some history alive, tradition…’

Me… ‘Can you see what’s written on the scrolls?’

‘No, it’s in Tibetan in the old…’

Me… ‘Do you still have people with you or are you alone now?’

‘The old man’s there but he’s just getting on with cooking. My friend’s still there just outside waiting. I should ask a question I think, I should ask this old man what we can do to help our children better, has he got any suggestions’

Me… ‘Okay go ahead and ask that’

‘More small schools in quiet places, in Tibet there’s a Krishnamurti school, beautiful environments, small classes, intimate contact, friendly discipline, the Steiner one is good too. It’s the incarca love of the spiritual dreams… and the outdoor nature… and away from television… to use the internal imagination… the small schools… and the home educators… but the teachers need to be more in…’

‘I got stuck on the Annapurna trail. I asked my friend if we could build a big bonfire for some of those that got lost in the snow, anyway, got the feeling of a European man there, he’s got a parka and a hat with snow flaps and beard. He was glad to warm himself, tried to ask him to think of people he knew on the other side to reach out but he just wanted to get warm first’

‘Got the name Murray… and… a sense of being stranded. I was in quite a dark place for a bit, sort of spangly dark, underground’

Me… ‘Are you still in the cave or have you moved away from there now?’

‘No, no I’m both here and on the Annapurna slopes, and I asked my friend to set fire to the galleon, to the boat, to make a big fire for anyone that was lost, to warm themselves’

Me… ‘And have people appeared?’

‘I got Murray but don’t know if that’s somebody here or there, Murray, the name Murray… Got a feeling of birds… I got a feeling of someone rather dishevelled dressed like a nurse, old fashioned nurses outfit with the cap, sort of… like somebody from some sort of disaster’

Me… ‘Is this person in need of help?’

‘I don’t know, she’s coming forward to tell me something, I don’t know if it’s a nurse or a nun, mixture of both, something to do with the Ebola… or something similar. It might have been a plane crash, can’t tell, it’s as if… she’s turned round towards me, she’s dragged herself out of… okay, I just put my arms around her’

Me… ‘Ask her if she knows where she is’

‘She’s fleeing, she thinks she’s fleeing, it’s like there’s a wind, it’s like she’s being pulled by this great wind. I decided go with it and look to the light, I can feel these hands reaching down on me she needed the company…’

Me… ‘Maybe she needed to meet you to help her on her way’

Liz got the words magic, magician and Paul Daniels.  

Liz continued…

‘Seeing something develop, they had this very, very old tree, almost grey, a very old hawthorn. Then there was a well with like a yew tree around it. Now the well is buried, it’s all grown over with ivy and all these creepers over it, it’s buried. There was something important about it, or somehow I was just being shown it and it was really like the story of the frog princess, the frog that turns into a prince, the enchanted frog, that’s the magic… yes the significance of that story... This is the only; she allowed the frog that she loathed to share her bed, to eat out of her bowl. If she was kind to this loathsome creature it would transform into what it truly was, which was a prince’

‘I think I was just being reminded of the spiritual power over these fairy tales and stories, these magic, in the magic transformative power of love that these stories, the profound teaching, tell’

‘Got another name, Bailey, connection with photography, flash lights… Some sort of connection with the underground, subway’

‘I asked to have some training and this woman in a deep blue… a nurse came along and talked and it was like an enormous hall, skating rink of people, there was just more and more as I looked, these people they seemed to be dancing or skating around and then it sort of condensed into like an arena, like in a circus or something but it was lots of children or, and there’s like a great dark pool in the middle, some of them had their feet in it, they were watching it, the surface, and I got a feeling that you could respond to anything you saw, that you could, that there was help, there was a lot of helpers there in the background, shadowy, loads of them, dark… Just knowing that there’s a lot there… I guess the feeling is in that what you put out the thought, it’s picked up and like a reflection can be amplified’  

Me… ‘Are you able to go back down and put your own thought in the water and see what comes back?’

‘I’ll try…’

One and a half minutes later…

‘Yeh, I put all the suggestions there, first I got the Annapurna slopes, to keep the bonfire going for those that need to come to terms with their predicament, those that want rescuing don’t realise they can go beyond that now, and the tube, I don’t know if there’s people stuck there from the terrible disasters, so I just put that in, when I came back I had this thought I don’t know how long I, how to work, how to be there so I put the thought there for the rescue services to be there and I think there is all these people here that pick it up, see the reflection, let them know they’ll be there now, that execute that, I put it there it’s reflected, I don’t have to worry, I don’t need to stay with it, I think, I can let go of it’

Liz got the name Gordon. She thought it was someone she knew, or it could have been Gordon Higginson. He had a lady with her with short dark hair, possibly a Sophie or Lucy. Liz felt they were going to work with her.

The music ended.

I checked Liz was okay and waited for her to feel back with it before doing the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…