23rd Sitting 28/07/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

About five minutes later I got the sense of the room filling up with people.
I had fleeting images of elderly people walking around the room looking as if they were not sure where they were. It reminded me of residents in an old people’s home.

Liz began to speak…

‘I’ve got an elephant, connection with Joan… and a sense of somebody who is blind’

‘I keep getting Pak… as in Packhorse or Pakistan… and something about the Ganges… it’s as if the Ganges is being fed off into large lakes and dry areas, catchment, large areas of bare earth becoming pools’

The room suddenly looked much lighter and misty to me with a few spiralling white dots.

Liz continued…

‘Got a sudden image of Abraham Lincoln… it’s as if he’s flying… a strange juxtaposition of images. Abraham Lincoln like a great bird, a great vulture flying over India, over the Ganges with sky burials in the sky. Then the vultures clean the bones of the dead, clearing away all the decay, all the corruption of the flesh, leaving the place pristine, only the white bones… Abraham Lincoln equality, all men are created equal and in death whatever cast, whatever the status has been in life, all that remains is identical bones… All men are born equal; no one has right to any more than any other’

‘My sense is there’s a great shake-up coming to India and it has a connection to these pools being taken off the Ganges… seismic activity’

‘I had the name Aloysius, I don’t know if Aloysius is a saint or a sinner… it’s a humble man, has a connection with salt’

My left leg was cold and fuzzy.

I got a buzzing sensation in my right ear. It felt like it went into my head. I visualised something like a pencil pushing into my ear and head.

Liz continued...

‘I seem to keep coming back to enormous wealth in the hands of a few in India, power, pictures of the army taking over and the suffering, the flushing out of all the old structures… I just get this strong sense of the shaking up of the old structures which is very resistant to change… like a great avalanche’

Liz was very cold.

She continued…

‘I seem to be in a large airport, waiting, it’s a control tower’

‘Christian… There’s something blue, I’ve interpreted it like the star of David, a prayer shawl, a flag… Nazarene… None of this is sustainable… I’ve got a fence around a lawn, fences can be taken down, fences are not permanent structures, they can be taken down’

‘I just got the words… “There is a green hill far away without a city wall” That should be Jerusalem… no walls, no fences…’

‘This image of lots of airmail letters, writing, Pan Am, the whole world encompassed with wings and airmail, the carrying of messages, the crossing of boundaries, the traversing of time lines, the whole Earth circumscribed by flight. Then shall the Earth be full of the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea, all lands are one land, all times are one time, all is now’

The music ended.

I checked that Liz was okay then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…