16th Sitting 11/11/2014

We had the room set up as normal and again sat in full blackout with the cabinet open.
The music volume was set very low throughout.

At 8.30pm I did the opening prayer, put the red light out and the music on.

After about five minutes I noticed the atmosphere looked mottled and I noticed a small light swirling around in the centre of the room.
The room was beginning to look pinkish then I saw big bright blobs build-up which were more blue in colour.

A few minutes later Liz reported a feeling of a dark shadow coming over her and a bright light in the centre of her vision.
She then felt she was being taken into blue clouds.
A bright point of light flashed in her left field of vision as she got the sensation of paddling in a canoe and a feeling of the Sioux Indians. Liz felt the light flash was a confirmation to her that the visions were real.

I had a lot of tickling in my hair and left ear which continued on and off throughout the session.

Liz then said…

‘Feels as though I’m in a canyon, mountain gorge, canoeing and rapids…’

‘I have this girl, long hair, it’s all tangled and it’s full of like acorns bits of wood husks, like beads threaded. Living in the gorges like a nature spirit, I see through the centuries, popping up, always this earth presence, a good way to live, camouflaged, in touch with the flora of the forest, wolf skin, Blue Cloud wearing wolf skin, says it’s good to wear wolf’s skin. To hunt like a wolf… to be invisibly, it’s the invisible worlds…’

‘I’ve got the name Claris or Charisa and the name Queenie. There are two planks of wood or bookends clamped together… This Blue Cloud again and snake skin man, he wanted to talk about Teresa. I just get this picture of autumn leaves in the woods, forest. Teresa is running through, the nature child, hair is all tangled’

‘Medicine man, curing…’

‘Best medicine, it’s the earth medicine, berries…’

‘I’ve got the words to a song… Where’er you tread the blushing stream shall flourish…’

‘It’s the spirit helpers, looks like Lucy in the sky with diamonds…’

‘It’s the healing feminine presence as Lone Wolf goes rushing down through the gorges in the canoe… Blue Cloud is wrapped in wolf skin, with knots in her hair, making potions, making medicine, medicine woman… Then the canoe is smashed on the rocks and Lone Wolf needs mending. It’s Blue Cloud… medicine… But Blue Cloud is in hiding, hiding in the woods because she’s been spurned, she’s been rendered mad, it’s the warriors, cast her aside… This is the great sadness and the poison… This hidden earth spirit needs reinstating… Francis wants to say something… Restore the wolf skin… She’s had to cloak herself in wolf skin, unloved by all accounts, but it’s the protection and her tender fee wasn’t value… A long history of female oppression, it’s a journalist that can write about it but it doesn’t end, it’s a struggle for reinstating the feminine, locus, the healing will come from there, Francis just wants to say the wolf skin is just a protective cover… the forces of devastation and destruction and desecration… Like Joan of Arc had to put on protective armour, the small voices which she was honouring… Teresa… I’ve got a Hillary… There are a lot of ladies with unfinished business… In reality the divine feminine has had to be hidden, it’s been desecrated, despised, fraughted…  Blue Cloud is a medicine woman and she is shouting… the blue cloud with the silver lining… free the woman, that’s the message, free… Not only the healing the man but healing of the warrior, all women must be free and then we can paddle the canoe safely, safely through the torrents, down the gorges, over the rocks, into the caverns with the green trailing ivy vines. This is the story of Adam and Eve, this being told by Blue Cloud…’

(I noticed a few extra sounds in the recordings which could be just Liz’s throat or her chair making noises but if you listen to the above recording at about 9.09 between the words ‘locus’ and ‘the healing’ there’s a sound like a voice saying ‘very good’)

‘Blue Cloud’s very sad in the countries where the boys are valued more than the girls all over the world… In so far as you close your hearts to the cries of the wolf skin, you deny the mother, mother Eve, you deny the earth, you deny your birth right, you deny God, you deny Jesus, you deny Buddha, you deny the Great Spirit and the wolf skin woman is the injured woman, the injured healer, the medicine woman who is case aside… reinstate her; you can’t go to the stars without her… Seven bridges, seven bridges we shall cross, and at the seventh there will be blue clouds, silver lined and the sun will shine through…’

‘I’ve got Henry and rausha blocks. It’s a psychological tool, rausha blocks they use for testing. Not sure what the significance is, rausha…  never mind… I keep getting the word Terrence, and Terrence Higgins Foundation… someone’s saying it’s very simple, I wonder if it’s Freddie? I got Queenie before. Ha, he’s become a feminist, yeh, sure… well who wouldn’t he says when you see how macho worlds developed. Felix or Felicity… Getting his knickers in a twist, ha, ha… yeh I seem to get all these… ha, ha… like great spangled jewels… sense of fun, all the colours of the rainbow’  

The music ended.

Liz was still laughing.

I then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

It was interesting that Liz had got Terrence Higgins Foundation as in the original Mercury Circle we had given a donation to this charity after Freddie had asked us to.

Liz had felt a hand on her head at one point during the session and at times felt she was actually in some of the situations like paddling the canoe…